• Propel Women Cohorts originated for women in ministry but we have expanded them to all women leaders. We want to see the integration of the sacred and secular and that happens when we see how we lead from our being. Propel Women is here to equip and empower you in your God-given gifts.

  • Don’t overthink it — let it just be a conversation! Some ideas of things to share include: a brief testimony of who you are, how you came to know Jesus, what you're doing now in life, and why you'd like to be a part of Propel Women Cohorts.

  • Many churches and organizations have special budgets for staff or volunteers to attend conferences and buy reading materials for development. If Propel Cohorts sound like something that would be a great fit but you're not sure how funding would work, consider writing an email to your supervisor and ask if there might be a development fund that could be applied towards this program.

    We want to do what we can to assist you in helping find people who are willing and excited to invest in your growth and learning. Therefore, we have developed a sponsorship template that you may reference and personalize.

    There are many leaders and pastors who want to see women flourish in ministry! Therefore, they might be your most enthusiastic champions to find a way to make this happen—and there might already be a budget available for the cohort and the reading materials. We encourage you to share this opportunity and ask boldly.

  • If you have completed your application and submitted your application fee, you can expect to hear back from us via email as soon as possible. Most applications are taking about three weeks to process.

  • Cohort participants should expect a time commitment of approximately 7-10 hours per month which includes monthly live webinars on the first Monday of every month from 6-8pm CT, learning exercises, monthly small group Zoom coaching, and an online community-building platform. Additionally, participants will attend a required 3-day in-person summit in Southern California from August 27-29, 2024 and have three 30-minute 1-on-1 sessions with their cohort coach.

  • Cohorts are available to all women across the globe — not restricted to those in the USA. Women in the Netherlands, Australia, Asia and Europe have all been a part of Propel Cohorts. We do understand that various timezones and the required travel to the states can make it more difficult for some, and we continue to be in conversation about how we design the cohort experience moving forward.

  • Due to the number of applicants and various contributing factors, coaches cannot be hand-selected. Be assured that we spend intentional time in prayer and discernment and lean heavily on the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we form cohorts and assign coaches.

  • Each cohort will consist of 12-15 women and 1 coach for intentional relationship building with a small group of like-minded women.


Still couldn’t find what you were looking for? Please send us an email through our contact page.